April has been such a great month…we only wish we could hang on to it just a day longer. (Or, at least the cooler weather!)

Now that it is May, it seems the summer heat is upon us here in Austin. (Sigh.) Despite the 90 degree forecasts, we’re excited about all the opportunities coming this summer from new partners to the World Cup. Jordan is already counting down the days until Andrei takes her to Fado at 6 a.m. to catch a match. She’s ready. But we’re not sure if Austin is ready for this.

New Launches
We’ve worked on some interesting projects this past month and are excited to announce the recent launch of ScottTurnerForSpeaker.com, PatForMayor.com, and of course our own newly redesigned site ViciMediaGroup.com.

What do you think?
  Vici Media Website thumbnail

Recent studies suggest internet users have an average attention span of 11 seconds. That’s a critical window to captivate your audience.

As you can see we’ve been particularly inspired by the single-page scroll design. Single-page scroll designs minimize distractions and focus attention on the story you are telling. They compel your audience to dig deeper into the site by guiding their attention through your narrative.

Also! We can’t forget to mention the exciting launch of Liberty for All’s new mobile responsive, interactive, congressional scorecard.

Responsive Design ~ Interactive UI

Events Announcement: Vici Happy Hour!
All of us at Vici are pretty happy! So happy, in fact, that we want to share some of that happiness with you by launching a quarterly Vici Media Happy Hour. Are you feeling happier already? Check your emails soon for more details if you’re in the Austin area!

Expert Tips: Lessons from Democrats in Virginia
Our team recently read an intriguing article describing scalable techniques that translate the digital strategies of national campaigns to the state-level. (HT: Ashley Sewell from Team Paxton)

Specifically, Terry McAuliffe’s campaign scaled the digital media tactics of Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign to their (unfortunately successful) Virginia gubernatorial race, and in this case Twitter was their vehicle. The success was unmistakable.

Three Key Lessons Democrats Taught Virginia Republicans on Twitter:

  1. Meet people where they’re at. When organizing an information campaign or call-to-action, make sure to target the relevant audience…but also to target them with the most relevant medium! (i.e. people who vote on their lunch break will most likely be on their smartphone, so target mobile-only ads with directions to voting locations)
  2. Know someone famous. (Ok, that’s a little tongue-in-cheek…but the idea is to get buy in from people that support you that already have existing networks!)
  3. Understand the platforms you are using. Know what works well, and what doesn’t on different platforms. (Not sure what that looks like? Well, you know, that’s why we’re here…)

If you have any questions or want to learn more, let us know! We are here to help with any of your digital media needs.